With support from the Rotary Ottawa Children's Foundation, the Community Service Committee funded these worthwhile local community-based charitable organizations and their projects in 2022-2023:

Operation Come Home (OCH) helps hundreds of at-risk and homeless youth access the services and support they need to make positive changes in their lives. The Rotary Club of Ottawa was proud to support OCH again this year through the purchase and donation of winter clothing. Donations from club members were supplemented by the purchase of items from St. Vincent de Paul thereby helping another local charitable organization in the process. A special thank you to Angela Kelly for the collection of many clothing items. Total grant: $441 (plus donated clothing)

Dictionary4Life (D4L) is an international literacy project. Led locally by the Rotary Club of West Ottawa, we were proud to join other local clubs to distribute the D4L books to grade 3 students in schools across the Ottawa region. This year, our club was able to increase its support and provide 140 books to students at 6 local schools, including the class/school at Operation Come Home. Total grant: $936

Minwaashin Lodge - Oshi Kizis indigenous Women’s Shelter
Minwaashin Lodge provides a range of programs and services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children (regardless of status) who are survivors of domestic and other forms of violence, and who may also be suffering the effects of the residential school system. All programs and services are provided in the context of cultural beliefs and values to ensure a holistic approach is used as part of the healing journey. Total grant: $2,623

The Ottawa Rotary Club has a long-standing relationship with The Parkdale Food Centre and the club was pleased to be able to provide support again this year. Parkdale provides nutritious meals daily and also operates community programs (e.g., Thirteen: A Social Enterprise). Total grant: $2,000

The Ottawa Rotary Club also has a long-standing relationship with the Ottawa Food Bank. While volunteering to collect and sort food was not feasible during the pandemic, the club was pleased to provide cash support to assist the Food Bank with the purchase of food during a period of ever-increasing inflation. Total grant $2,000.