Robert E. Wilson Public School is located in Vanier and has a very diverse student population of about 180 students. Their students come from a variety of backgrounds, including many new Canadians and a large Inuit and First Nations population. Many of the families have socio-economic challenges. Hence, the school often helps to provide basics such as breakfast, snacks, school supplies, clothing and costs for field trips and other extracurricular activities. Principal Todd Saunders, the school’s staff and the School Council work hard to provide an inclusive and engaging learning environment for students.
In support of the school’s initiatives, the Rotary Club of Ottawa provided funding for the following projects.   

“Forest School” Project - $2,000
This project is designed to “take school into the forest” for Grade 3 to 5 pupils. Using nature as a classroom allows students to learn mathematics and science in creative and exciting ways. Students will also have the opportunity to learn other topics such as survival skills, indigenous issues and regional history.
In support of the Forest School Project, our Club provided $2,000 to cover the transportation cost of 10 field trips in 2019. Rotarian Angela Kelly presented the cheque to Ms. Jones and her pupils in October 2019.
New World and Local Maps - $700
In 2018, our Club donated $700 to the school to purchase new world and local maps to replace outdated ones from the 1970’s.
Kindergarten Yard Upgrade - $2,000
In 2017, our Club contributed $2,000 toward the cost of upgrading the Kindergarten Yard. Prior to reconstruction, the yard had a single play structure that was eventually removed due to safety issues, especially during the November to April time frame.  The renovated yard has indigenous elements in its design, incorporates various learning areas, and is now accessible year-round.